Travel Information
Here you will find any information regarding the following: Hosting Hotels, Airport Information, Ground Transportation and More
Our 2024 Hosting Hotels
We will have 2 different Hosting Hotels each offering a different experience for our guests. We believe it’s important for our guests to choose the type of experience they want to encounter . Below you will find the Hosting Hotels that are currently avaliable, click on the pictures below to be directed to each individual hotels websites.
When booking under one of these hotels, use our special code, “ELVIS”, to get the discounted special rate for the festival.
Special Roommate Information: A lot of fans want to attend new festivals but struggle to find peers to attend with them. Most try and search on their own to find “roommates” for that certain festival. We are offering a special “roommate” list to help you find that person! Call 434-382-9354 if you’re interested in being on our list so we can help you find your special roommate!
The Virginian Hotel
Rates Starting at $139.00
Book by calling 434-329-3200 x0 mention “The Elvis Festival”

Bella Vista Hotel & Suites
Rates Starting at $139
To Book: Call 434.237.6333 “Mention The Elvis Festival”
*PERK* If you book with Bella Vista Hotel and Suites, Transportation to and from the Lynchburg Airport is available via their Shuttle Service.

Airports and Transportation
We know it’s important to gather all travel information before hand, so below you will find all information regarding the closest airports and transportation for Lynchburg,Virginia’s Tribute To The King Festival.
Lynchburg Regional Airport
*This is the closest airport to the festival…The Lynchburg Regional Airport (LYH) is conveniently located at the intersection of US 29 South and US 460. Passengers should plan to arrive one (1) hour before scheduled flight departure to allow adequate time for checking luggage and obtaining boarding passes before the ticket counter closes. Note that the airline closes the ticketing counter 30 minutes before scheduled flight departure, which is strictly enforced. Airline employees cannot issue boarding passes or check luggage after the counter is closed. Regional carrier service is provided by American Eagle Airlines through Charlotte International Airport.
Address: 350 Terminal Drive #100
Lynchburg,VA 24502
Ground Transportation(This link will direct you to all available ground transportation located in Lynchburg):
Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport
Located in Roanoke,Va…Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport offers approximately 40 scheduled airline flights arriving and departing daily and provides nonstop service to 8 major cities. The regional affiliates of these major airlines fly out of Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport daily: American, United Airlines, and Delta. Allegiant Air provides full sized jets and frequent service to Florida. ROA is well equipped to accommodate passenger airlines, airfreight carriers, general aviation, corporate, air taxi and charter operators, as well as the military.
Address: 5202 Aviation Drive,N.W.
Roanoke,VA 24012
Ground Transportation(This link will direct you to all available ground transportation located in Roanoke):